I don't know about what the article claims about violence. Not enough data and references - and it all seems to 'cosmic' to me.

On the other hand, I do know that the earth's magnetic field oscillates 9.6Hz and 432 is a multiple of 9.6 but 440 is not.

Many years ago I took my mother-in-law to a magnetic resonance "clinic", and it helped the symptoms of her Parkinson's disease.

There are many actual clinics using magnetic therapy, but this one was from a company seeking investments for a new, more powerful bed for FDA trials.

So under approval, he carefully documented everything and since he was looking for as many volunteers as possible, I figured what the heck, I may as well try them too.

I did some research at the National Institute of Health's pubmed site and found many published papers on the benefits of magnetic resonance therapy.

I had severe hereditary bursitis in my hip and arthritis in a finger that was due to a sports accident (basketball). I had minimized both about 90% with diet. To my surprise, the magnetic pulses took away the remaining 10%

I talked to the guy about it, and he said he uses square waves, north polarity at 9.6Hz and multiples of 9.6 but never exceeding 48Hz.

Since I took electronics in college, I asked a lot of questions and got more details about it as well.

I ended up buying a home unit on-line and still use it today. That arthritis in my little finger doesn't bother me on the guitar anymore. I still follow the diet as well. The combination of both has actually 'cured' me and I am no longer a candidate for hip replacement.

So as a multiple of 9.6Hz, that 432Hz just might be something.

Who knows?

Insights, incites, and musings by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks