The song is based off _ELDISCO.STY with separate parts added. Drum

Guitar 1: 1400: Guitar Electric, Rythem Soul70BrightSteady Ev16 100
Guitar 2: 2634: Guitar Eletric, Rythem CountryBluesRock ev 110
Bass: 2299: Bass Synth DanceRoickBuzzBassQuarter Ev 120
Piano: 1576: piano, Acoustic Rhtm Soul60sHeld 110
Organ: 671: Organ B3 background Sourthern Ev 120

guitar solo: 1720 Guitar Soloist TexasBluesRockStraightBrent Ev120.. (heavily chopped up and edited to fit)

Hope that helps.

There is a lot of plugin processing happening in the cubase side. Fabfilters Q2 is being used to carve out the instrument frequencies, VSS plugin is used for instrument placement in the room.
Slate is used for compresson and vocal recording (there vms mike system), Waves is used for console emulation. If anyone wants to see the cubase project of the bb tracks more then happy to show my work flow. BB is product you can achieve great things with. My prefered mixing daw is cubase and bb works very well in that work flow.

The only grip I have with BB is it should allow for the drum tracks to be split out to separate audio files..
kick.wav snare.wav etc...

Then I could do real eqing on the drums like a real sound engineer smile

Please add that feature in a future update.. that would be icing on my cake...

Last edited by Paul bright; 04/04/16 09:09 AM.