
Thanks for all those details. They help me get a clear picture of the problem.

Some thoughts that occur to me...

Have you updated to the latest version of RB found at the below link? (You can double-check your version by looking under "Help | About Realband".)

The fact that you can't convert the BB tracks to regular tracks is very strange. It should simply be a matter of "Edit | Track | Make all BB tracks regular tracks". It's necessary to load in an generate a song before the tracks can be converted (as rharv has isolated above).

One last thing to try is to set User Privileges to "run as administrator". To do this, right-click on the RB startup shortcut, select properties and then have a look under the "Compatibility" tab to set this option permanently.

If this doesn't bring joy...

I'd try returning RB to factory settings. This will reset all audio and midi settings, too. To do this...

...rename the REALBAND.INI file and RB.CFG to something like REALBAND.INI.OLD and RB.CFG.OLD. This will effectively "delete" those files so that RB is forced to create new ones (thus the factory rest). If the problem is not solved by doing this, you can always delete the newly created files and then return the original files to their original names.

See if any of the above help.


Last edited by Noel96; 04/22/16 04:00 PM.

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