The suggestions did not help. Power Tracks Pro Audio 2016 continues to "nag" me that I don't have a valid install of Band-in-a-Box each time I launch the program.

You will not be able to reproduce the problem(s) unless you're applying the "upgrade" on a computer (Win 7) that does not already have Band-in-a-Box installed.

Power Tracks Pro Audio, which I've used on and off since the late 1990's, was always a mixture of good and bad, mitigated somewhat by its incredibly reasonable $29 licensing fee and lack of intrusive copy protection.

Over the years, the price went up, new features were added, some of which worked well, some not, and the software company did away with downloadble "crippled" demos that you could try before you buy . . . with this new release, the bad now outweighs the good.

A program that NAGS you because you don't have another, far more expensive program installed? Deal breaker.

A program that installs a PDF printer that delivers ADVERTISEMENTS to your computer? Deal breaker.

A program that can't open a "supported" file format, and sometimes crashes, unless ANOTHER program (eg. QuickTime) is properly installed? Deal breaker.

Power Tracks Pro Audio 2012 has its problems and limitations to be sure, but the things I like about it make me overlook its flaws. This NEW release offers me nothing of any value.

I was intrigued by the "node-based" editing and thought it was something like the "automations" offered by other DAWs. Now I see it only affects the track volume.

The new toolbars are a mess. PG Music seems to have removed the user's ability to add and remove buttons from the toolbars -- plus, I don't see any way to make the buttons smaller. They use up too much "real estate" on the screen -- unless the user does away with them completely. (Maybe I'm wrong on this last point; maybe the new toolbars are cusomizable. But I guess I'll never know because I'm getting rid of the program -- ALONG WITH its advertising-delivering PDF printer -- and going back to version 2012.)

Last edited by RAMALAM; 05/01/16 10:28 AM.