Okay, I will play the role of jerk again and present this logic.

"Maybe install the build 6 update again just to make sure, and check Help | About."

Why? Did the contents of that compiled set of instructions change while it sat on his hard drive? If it didn't work the 1st time, it won't work the 7th time, or the 19th 86th or the 137th. Programs have to run the same every time. This isn't a batch file that he could have edited. When you put 12x6 into a calculator, it can't be 71 the first time and then 72 every time after. It has to be 72 every time, just like that update has to result in the same update every time.

Reset. Defrag. Run as administrator. Update drivers.

Software should never have to be reset. If it does there are bugs.

Defrag is worthless as far as RUNNING programs. It only matters to make files stored on a drive contiguous and they load into RAM a millisecond faster.

Run as administrator means nothing to a computer unless the program in question needs permissions to access administrative level operations on a computer. A DAW does not, and RB/BIAB has NEVER needed to be run as admin.

Most of the people saying to update drivers don't even really know what drivers are or what they do. NEVER update a driver just because there is a new one available. Not broke/don't fix is the rule with drivers.

The fact that user after user is reporting problems that never existed until 2016 should be the biggest red flag in history of red flags. Anything resembling software rollouts that I have been involved with included a lab with 50 or more computers configured with every possible combination of OS and hardware we could think of. Some stations ran fine. Some did not. Those that did not showed us what to fix. This is really irritating. I understand that sporadic and intermittent problems are hard to troubleshoot, but suggesting things like running an update again and such is like telling someone to change the turn signal fuse when their brakes start to squeal, the obvious reference being that the turn signal fuse has nothing to do with the brakes.

I know I sound like I am being deliberately difficult, but I have been at computers a very long time and I know when an issue is hardware and when it is software. If the computer has run 2013, 2014 and 2015 they have all run fine (like in my case) and issues surface with the installation of 2016, the computer is not the problem. My Focusrite driver did not suddenly go bad at exactly the same time I installed 2016. More like the issue is that 2016 does not interact with the Focusrite drivers correctly. I had to go back to MME drivers, which I despised, just to get 2016 to work without crashing. That should NEVER be the case.

I'm done with this. Not even going to come back and read anymore.

Last edited by eddie1261; 05/20/16 02:01 PM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.