[/quote]Problem 1

I set the filters to

No Soloists

I unchecked "Include Similar" per Peter Gannon's suggestion and I get 3 styles _GYPSYJF, _GYPSYCN, and _GYPSYJD, none of which are appropriate.

Thank you for the detailed description. It may not be appropriate for the song you have in mind, but it did give you exactly what you asked for. It sounds like what you want to do is browse the styles like you used to in the old StylePicker, rather than use the filters. You can do this:

1. Make sure "include similar" is unchecked and press the Clear button if you have any filters on.
2. Select the category that you want to browse from the Category menu.
3. Browse the styles.

E.G. Selecting "Everything Jazz" is equivalent to choosing "Jazz[all]" in the old StylePicker. Does that help at all?

I tried your "browse" with similar results and agree with your findings.
Another thing that is troubling to me is, the first style that comes up, _GYPSYJF, doesn't show "mr. p.c." as an "example" in the "memo" box in the bottom LH corner of the StylePicker window. (and in fact, it shows NO examples).

There are several thousand songs in the Song title database. We have not added all of those songs to specific style memos. In fact I wouldn't think Mr P.C. should go there as an example for that style. The song title helps you find a style that works for a given song. For many songs it IS a perfect match, in some cases it will just be the style that has similar characteristics.

Unless every song ever written is in the database, the search for song title is worthless.

I disagree... maybe we are missing some popular songs, but we can easily continue to expand the database to fill in those gaps. The feature is more useful to some people than others. For myself, I find it quick and easy to think of a popular song that has the feel I'm after. Say, Superstition - I can just type that in, rather than having to know that I am looking for a style that is Even 16, 4/4, Funk, at a tempo of about 100bpm.

PG Music Inc.