Very valuable info, Bob!

I use a Pentium 4, Quad core, 2.66 GHz, regular 500 GB disk drive, and 4 GB RAM. BIAB takes about the same time to open and render as you described with your old system. At least now, I know BIAB is working 100 percent to specs. It's my 7 year old computer that needs an upgrade!

May I ask, what was your approximate investment? Remember, I'm from Canada eh, so you must add five or six zeroes for the conversion to Canadian dollars (LOL). Thanks.

Gear: Tyros 5, MOX8, SoundCraft EFX12 mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, Yamaha HS-8 monitors, BIAB 2016 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 8, Steinberg UR-44 interface.

"If everyone played a musical instrument, we wouldn't need police officers or armies." Lee B.