Personally, I think there are some things PGMusic NEEEDS to hear from younger new users.
It represents the future growth of the company. Sure there are a lot of us old timers around, and we have voiced many of these concerns previously, but
A. We are fading away over time
B. We are not growing the user base at the rate new younger users would
C. We continue to upgrade each year without the new interface

We are devoted and continue to upgrade, which of course has value, but like I said every year we get older and more of us fade away.

I welcome a new interface, and have tinkered with creating skins for RB simply because I want it to look better. At one point this was encouraged then fell away a bit as very few of us tinkered with it.

I agree that simply updating the interface is worth the trade off of having less new features one given year. It could be done once and make BiaB/RB a more enjoyable experience for many years to come.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome