Man, John Prine is such a good writer. I used to play live and had a few JP songs in my song list. They always played well with the audience.

I'm listening on speakers.

The vox are boxy and dry. Nicely done but also could use some pitch correction in a few places. It sounds like you are a bit too close to the mic. No breathing room.

Guitar and instruments sound good. That steel is really sweet, as is the guitar.

For such a song, the bare bones approach you took works well. I like the pause at 1:53. Nice. The second time... not so much. Do it once for effect.

Are you aware that to post a cover tune here, you need to have licensed the rights and post the license number in your OP. Not my rules, but the rules of PG.

So good that I listened twice.... love the bare bones aspect. Fix the vocals and you got a good tune.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.