Hi Tony,

Download and have a listen to the below SGU file.

Is this the timing you're after? If it is, below is how I went about creating it.

Background Notes
The 'A Bb B' chord pattern is across 1/8th note triplets. To accomplish this in BIAB needs to use a bar of three beats that plays in the time of a single beat of 4/4. Below is how I set that up for a backing at 85 bpm.

The Process
1. Select a suitable 4/4 blues shuffle style and set the song's tempo to 85.

2. Bars 2 and 3 (and 5 and 6) in the example work together as a single bar.

3. Right-click on bar 2, select bar settings and set "#beats this bar" to 3. This bar will play these three beats in the same tempo as the song (in this case 85 bpm).

4. Click OK to exit bar settings.

5. Right-click on bar 3, select bar settings and set "#beats this bar" to 3 also.

6. Since all three beats of bar 3 need to play in the time of a single beat of bar 2, set "Tempo change to" to 255 (that is 3 x 85 = 255).

7. Click OK to exit bar settings.

8. Right-click on bar 4, select bar settings and set "#beats this bar" to 4 and "Tempo change to" to 85. (That is, return all settings back to the original time signature.)

9. Click OK to exit bar settings.

10. Repeat the above with bars 5, 6, and 7. The settings in bars 5, 6, 7 parallel those in bars 2, 3, 4.

11. Generate and play the backing.

NOTE: This will work much better for MIDI styles than Realtracks styles. Some Realtracks will work fine but it will be a trial and error process to determine which those Realtracks are.

Audiophile BIAB 2024