Thank you Greg!

Such a positive comment, I'm flattered ;-)

Thank you Steve, much appreciated!
I'm doing my best to be versatile, it's actually not very hard with such a beautiful program :-)


Man, what an analysis of my song and what a music knowledge you have! I didn't know I could write like that ;-)
Just kidding, your comment is really appreciated!
My theoretical knowledge of music is next to none. I play guitar and a little bit of keyboard. And I usually try to avoid Jazzy chords ;-)
But in this case I wanted to merge a jazz song into the contest. Actually I created this in just one evening. Came very naturally.
The song's concept itself was based on Leonard Cohen's later work (tried to emulate his 'smokey' voice). Oops, I'm a smoker myself.....

"My good friend the jazz critic at the Times says to say “hi” and did you receive the bottle of Veuve Cliquot he sent a few weeks ago along with the Monet etchings."

No I didn't, but he probably doesn't have my address ;-)

Yes, let's do a duo song sometime.


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.