
Your message had something that made my eyes bug out even before getting to the message. The slick avatar. Oooh, graph theory!! Yummm! There's a field in mathematics, (my previous life's work although to say "previous" is completely wrong - it's something that doesn't stop) - is called combinatorial mathematics. Practical problems include things like:

The most fuel efficient way for an airline to route its planes

How Google minimizes the time used to complete your search

Establishing the 6 degrees of freedom idea - that it's a near certainly that you know someone who knows someone who ... knows the Prime Minister of Australia. And the number of someones need not be greater than 6.

What got my attention about your avatar is that "Nashville Notation" can be described by a "directed network." In fact, I know nothing at all about Nashville Notation but that one one picture looks like it contains a thousand words.

If you could drop a few words about Nashville Notation, if you use it, I think all of us would appreciate it. I certainly would, as I did your kind remarks about the rap tune.
