"That looks very nifty. Is "text edit" a program that will automatically bring up the lyrics of the next song as soon as you touch the space bar?"

Joanne, Text Edit does not automatically bring up lyrics. It is a very basic Apple program. What I do is to have all of my lyrics in one folder. When I decide on my BIAB set list I set the songs up to be played in Jukebox mode usually 1-20 for approx. one hour set.
I then go to text edit and open up the corresponding 20 lyric files and stack them in the same order of the BIAB songs. As the jukebox is loading the next song, I close a previous lyrics file to reveal the next lyrics.
As an aside, 95% of my sets are set up ahead of time. If I get requests, I have the complete folder of all songs and another of all lyrics open in back of the BIAB chord sheet. I can go to the to each and fill the request.

I hope this helps.