Originally Posted By: Tony Wright

What do I think of this?

I think you shouldn't have posted the link and asked for opinions. Every time this happens it adds to the satisfaction (and advertising revenue) of the owner of the conspiracy website and encourages similar activities. The creators would soon get fed up if no-one visited their sites.


I never knew the level of Notes Norton's powers before. We have no choice BUT to click the link once posted? We MUST click the link! Wow! Crazy power!

I'm thinking NN is one of the Illuminati. For proof visit this site...
Notes Norton's TRUE power. Behind the scenes look at the Illuminati. I'm not responsible for any ad content;)

Last edited by HearToLearn; 12/23/16 03:45 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.