Hi Trev

Yes you are correct midi track volume is a continuous controller Cnt 7 and is independent of note velocity,

Note velocity is most often sent by the keyboards touch setting if on and is 0 to 127 depending how hard you press the note, in fact this is measured by how quickly the key descends the harder you hit em the faster they fall!
If a midi keyboard does not have touch or it is switched of then the velocity value will always be 127 for all notes,

But the track volume will depend on the last value sent by Cnt 7 to that track and hold at that until it receives a new value or series of values as in a fade.
Sometimes sequenced midi files fade by reducing velocity can be a bit confusing at times,

Just my thoughts

BIAB2021 UltraPlus,AsusN55S1Tbssd, W10/64,Akai EIEpro
Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
