Ok there isn't a weak that goes by that I don't hear many demos of singers, or instrumentalists.

The problem I'm seeing is with recording gear becoming so affordable and powerful that you can do so many things in a small studio or even a spare bedroom or basement. Some of it takes your breathe away. Some of it kicks in your gag reflex! wink

Please understand, I am ALL FOR the hobbyist and person who plays just for fun/pure enjoyment. I'm that is SO many things.

The issue I'm having (and I'm sure it's not just me by any means) is the number of people who truly believe they are pro...and are nowhere close. I mean REALLY far away from pro...but argue or insult you when "they want the truth." I'm tactful, I promise I am. I swear there are many delusional people out there!

I feel much of it is the results of well meaning people they surround themselves with, who either don't know different, or are "being nice."

I mean, some of the singers have sent me things they put on youtube and I am shocked at how bad they are...AND equally shocked by the comments. "wow! you have a great voice!" or "you seriously need to be on the radio!" or "Better than the original!" Really?

It's not a problem overall, but I know of someone moving to Nashville because of this. He will get eaten alive and spend a lot of money doing it. It's not my problem, I get that. I just feel bad.

Not trying to come across as a "know it all." I'm so far from knowing it all it's hilarious. But I also don't think I do.

How do you all handle it? I'm just curious. Again, you don't have to be pro to enjoy making music...and I don't mean it that way in the least.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.