I also highly recommend ozone. Use it all the time.

Josie, thanks for pointing that out about the melodyne versions. It used to be that you could do the audio to midi with just the free version but they quickly removed that. I have the full blown multi track version and use it all the time to line up harmonies. I doubt I could do without it anymore.

Hugh, I think to be honest to do what you want to do you probably need the multi track version of melodyne. Melodyne studio. Here you can play multiple tracks at the same time and actually see if they line up with each other. note. The multi track version is very very expensive!

Have you got the trial version of melodyne studio? If so, import the wave files of both the midi vocal
line and your vocal and you will be able to see where you are off key.

(Ps you can also tune your vocal and "learn" to sing it in key, although I am sure there are cheaper tools to do this)

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files