Originally Posted By: MarioD
Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Originally Posted By: MarioD

This brought a smile to my face. I also have an inexpensive SX Tele that my wife bought me. At the time it was $109 USD. A good friend came over with his $2,500 USD Fender Tele and he told me, and I quote, "I just wasted a $2,400 USD." The sound and play-ability of my SX was as good as his Fender. YMMV

$2,500 USD for an American Standard Tele???
I just bought a new American Standard tele last year for less than half that, and that's Canadian Dollars too.

That is what he said. He bought it a number of years ago and it was the top of the line model. I see today it sells for $2,000 on line. I know that he bought it from a local music store as he is totally computer illiterate and he did not have a computer.
He either misspoke or he did in fact pay that much.

Yes, that explains it. The deluxe model is a couple of grades up from the basic "American Standard" which is what I have. I remember now seeing them in the store when I got mine. Special low noise pickups, bindings, some other bells and whistles. A lot of money for a guitar!