To answer the question..... yup, that was me in the blue jeans and jacket... Steve the bass player and Geoff the drummer didn't really sing even though they had mics. Steve liked to fake it like he was singing and on the TOP stuff he'd throw in the occasional "yeah" while Geoff loved talking sh&% to the audience between songs and handling announcements. "Last call for alcohol" sort of stuff.

We were just having fun. We started doing that one night just as a joke, we had discussed it for a time and literally played it live the first time with no rehearsal since we all knew the songs..... and the people loved it so much we decided to carry it a bit further. I think Tush was one of the other songs by Top that we played in that mini set. The mop beards came a bit further along.

The rest of the band had no problem with it because they got to go on break 10 minutes sooner and the break was still a full break so they loved it too.

Glad you all are liking it too.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.