I failed to mention that when you click on "JUKE" you need to make sure the box for "Random Order Playback" is unchecked! I think the default setting is checked.

So the corrected complete instructions are:

I set up playlists without changing the names of songs by doing the following:
1. Click on the bottom half of the Song button then Favorite Songs (or just enter Shift + F3, I find that easier).
2. Use the buttons on right (Append, Insert, Up, Down, etc.) to arrange the set as desired. No numbers before song titles are needed.
3. Save the set (all you have to do is name it). To load it later, just click on "Load Set" and select the desired set.

Then I play these songs in a Jukebox mode by clicking on the bottom button on the right side of the same Favorite Songs dialog box ("Juke..."), make sure the box for "Random Order Playback" is unchecked, and then "Play Jukebox" on the dialog box that pops up. I use an automatic pause after each song by going to Prefs>Arrange, and make sure the box is checked beside "Pause Play Until MIDI or Key received".

I use a footswitch to start each song whenever I'm ready; they will automatically load and wait for your command to begin playing. You can order a programmable USB footswitch for about $39 plus shipping from Delcom at http://www.delcomproducts.com/productdetails.asp?productnum=803650. It works great.

In BIAB Prefs, I have the spacebar set to "Play from start." I program the footswitch to replicate the spacebar.

Good luck!

Psalm 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.

BIAB 2018 build 519; Dell Inspiron N4110, Windows 10 64 bit, Intel Core i3-2350m running at 2.29 GHz, Memory: 6 GB DDR3, SDRAM 1MHz