Hi Froi,

Like those before me, I enjoyed the listen. You have a very engaging song and Sarah has such a beautiful voice. These make it very easy to sit back and simply ride along on the sound.

I notice you mentioned about ideas for improvement... with this in mind... it occurred to me as I listened is that I would have like to hear Sarah's vocals a little stronger (maybe 0.5 - 1.0 dB) in the early part of the song. As I thought more about this, though, I found myself wondering if it might have been better if Soundcloud's compressing had been kinder to your upload.

Just in case you aren't aware of this.... every time one uploads to Soundcloud, Soundcloud will compress the song file using its own compression routine. To get the very best outcome from this, it's a good idea to upload an uncompressed WAV version of the song. Soundcloud accepts this. Therefore, when you render a mix from your DAW, save it as WAV. (I use 44.1 kHz, 16 bit.) If a song is compressed prior to uploading, it will get re-compressed when Soundcloud takes control of it. I've found that this double compressing can seriously reduce quality. While uploading a WAV takes quite a bit longer than an mp3, I believe that the improved quality is worth the wait!

Hope the above is useful for you.

Audiophile BIAB 2024