I bought a Shure SM-58 many decades ago.... easily close to 40 years ago. I paid $100 for it at the time. The funny thing is, they still cost $100 now.

That mic has been through multiple bands and thousands of nights on stage imparting my vocal ambulations to the masses. It's been dropped, knocked over, rained on, it's been set on fire (well, the foam windscreen was toasted at least twice live on stage), and had to endure the alcohol infused condensate of a cold mic with warm breath 98% of those nights, and it lived in smoke filled rooms the entire time...... In other words, it's been through the proverbial wringer and like a Timex watch.... it took a licking and it keeps on ticking.

I use it now from time to time to mic my amp in the studio. And it still sounds as good as ever.

One of the best made pieces of musical gear ever.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.