e: drive is a 3 terabyte usb external drive


When you say the above, is the drive ALWAYS e:? If it's an external drive, and it's letter changes depending what else is plugged into your computer, it could certainly explain the problems you've been experiencing.

Personally, I would think that having an external drive as a temp drive is not the best computer management option and would slow the program's operation down considerably. Temp destinations are not only about space, they are also about speed. Depending on the software's programming instructions, temp files can be called on often and having them on internal drives is usually the best option from a 'speed' perspective.

I find myself wondering if having e: as your temp file location is what is causing the issue you are experiencing with the horns vst.

Also, when I used the "Browse" button to navigate to my e: drive and make its root directory the location for temp file. It gave me E:\ and not e: (as rharv said above). This suggests that the path you have in your settings is incorrect. Again, this could be what's causing your issues.

In early versions of Windows, I have a vague recollection that using a root directory for temp files was not recommended. I'm not sure that this still applies today but it would be worth checking out.

For the purposes of trying to solve these problems you are having, please use 'Browse' set the temp directory to the Windows temp directory for the moment. You can always change it later when things are up and running. But first we need to get them up and running.

When there are too many variables to work with all at once, it becomes an impossible task to try and isolate what could be causing the problem.

Hope this makes sense as I'm typing it in a bit of a rush!

All the best,

Last edited by Noel96; 06/12/17 09:15 AM. Reason: clarifying some of my thoughts

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