Hi - I searched the forum and only found one instance of this problem from 2011. Am I the only one that gets this error message?

"File has invalid data"

I do a lot of audio editing on my songs and this problem has been happening for several years and seems to be getting worse. I'm on the latest version of RB.

It comes up sometimes when you open an SEQ file that you have worked on in the past (1 day or months in the past). What the error message means is some of the tracks have been either erased or converted from stereo to mono since the last time you opened the SEQ. I've never had it occur on the same day while working /saving / opening a file. It's always after a reboot.

I've sent Tech Support several SEQs that have this error but I haven't heard back in a couple of months.

My work-around is to always version save SEQ files (project1-A.SEQ, project1-B.SEQ, project1-C.SEQ), etc. but this sometime doesn't help because all of the versions sometimes get corrupted and you have to start all over. My other workaround is that I Render all tracks to WAV every time I save a file. This is the only true way to be safe.

Is anyone else getting these error messages? If so, please let tech support know so they'll make it a priority.

I love the product and I'd like to love it even more.