Hi Warren!

There are a number of questions here, it seems. Here are a couple of ideas from an experienced user.

You can do everything you mention in BiaB. I strongly suggest you learn what BiaB and its sister program, Realband, can do before adding other programs to your workflow.

The notation input method that BiaB uses is quite different from how other programs work, but it is actually pretty brilliant. I beleive that if you take the time to figure it out, you will agree that it works intuitively.

This includes "Staff Roll Notation Mode." It takes a little getting used to, and its worth it.

Here is a pencil and paper exercise that all beginning compers are taught:

What chords contain this melody note? For instance in the key of C - "C (do)" is contained in: C major, A minor, F Major, D minor7
- "D (re)" is contained in: D minor, G7, Bdim, F6, Em7...

...and so on. Write this out for all the 7 notes in all 12 keys. You will get the hang of it pretty quickly. It will add a great deal to your sense of knowing what you are doing.

BiaB has a teaching tool called 'Chord Builder' which will take this process to the next level. (Window>Chord Builder>Chord Builder)

...hope this helps.

Last edited by flatfoot; 07/23/17 06:14 AM.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

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