Dear "Noel96"...

"I Like Walking Beside You" is such a simple title that one easily could overlook the pure, child-like wonderfulness of it!

You consistently (and seemingly quite effortlessly) produce songs with the most exuberantly optimistic lyrics describing both the sublime and the more overt pleasures of being in loving relationships with others. In a metaphorical way I regard them as little fists of hope being shaken defiantly and directly in the face of bitter cynicism, apathy, and lack of faith in our collective ability to make this world a much, much better place than it sometimes seems to be. God bless you for offering up to us such serene musical visions of the elements of true happiness!

The addition of a fiddle solo atop the lush and sophisticated-sounding bossa nova rhythm I think was a startling and novel musical move that caught me so off-guard that I could only shake my head and smile at the sheer, creative inspiration of it.

I'm super-glad I gave it a listen. Good luck to you, sir.


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".