Your property sounds beautiful, who doesn't like all that greenery? I sure do, I would love to see it.

All I like to do when this subject comes up is point out the inconsistencies in this. I certainly don't deny what's happening. And of course I agree a lot of it is human caused too. I've seen several shows about the flooding in Miami and what they're trying to about it on a local level. On a planetary level though you can't believe squat. When it comes to China for example, you do understand that place is run by a pure dictatorship right? Red Chinese Communists, the People's Liberation Army and all that? Tianamen Square?

Imho, you can't believe a word they say, all their stats are whatever they want them to be and nobody can dissent or they disappear. As far as China's so called shift to being climate good guys:

This is all about the third world as I mentioned earlier. People in the third world are now somewhat connected via the internet. They know full well how we and the other western countries live and since they're human beings just like everybody else, they want that for themselves. Who wouldn't?

That level of development requires power and lots of it which requires money and lots of that too. Of course pretty much all of those countries are so corrupt it's almost inconceivable to us. Just take one, Mexico. It's well known Mexico is right up there as one of the top two or three most corrupt countries in the world.

How can you believe anything these countries say? They can sign all the accords they want, so what? My friend has several time shares at Mexican resorts and they're beautiful, fun places to visit and all that but we like to leave the resorts and take a bus into town. That's where you see where they're really at and it's pretty bad. Heavy traffic and none of those vehicles have their pollution controls hooked up. Mexico City is right up there with Beijing for air quality. Mexico has as many natural resources as we do here but it's all controlled by the original families who got land grants from the Spanish king centuries ago.

Mexico is just one example, India, Asia, S. America and all the other crap holes around the world are the same. The people are fine, folks are folks, it's their governments. My only point is not that there isn't a problem, it's what can the US as a country do about it? To me we can all buy Priuses and Teslas which I think are great btw, plant all the trees we possibly can, and it will make little difference. Some maybe but nowhere near enough and to do the really radical overhaul using increasingly tougher regulations on industry and individuals will basically bankrupt our economy and to what end? In the final analysis it's not going to change the climate one tiny bit without all these third world countries doing the same and good luck with that. India has dead bodies floating down their rivers, and cows are sacred, can't be eaten or touched, how good do you think their air quality is? I just remembered something that looks like a fun place to visit, shipbreaking. Check this out:

What kind of EPA type regs do they have here? Zero. What kind of safety regs for the workers? Zero. How do they live? Barely. How much pollution is being generated here? Who knows, what do you think?

Ex hippies wearing rose colored glasses who think they are actually making a difference in the face of this? C'mon. You can find the same secret vids taken at places in China that are apart from the modern showcase factories in the development zones we all see on the news. Oh no, go ahead and read and see pics of what's really going on in China. Same crap, different flavor.

That's all I'm saying.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.