Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
Originally Posted By: tommyad
"San Juan just got slammed so hard it makes Irma look like a summer breeze because Irma wasn't a direct hit like Maria was." Say What? Irma's eye came directly over my house with winds clocked at the airport at 142 mph.

Tommy, how can you misread something as crystal clear as what I wrote? Do you live in San Juan? I was talking about Puerto Rico not Florida. Damn.

Sorry man but this is just too much and is how so many things get completely misunderstood in our modern world. People simply glance at a written page, do not really read it or understand it, just glance at it while they're doing something else and then think they know what is written. If that's not it then how did you think I was talking about Florida?

Bob, Thanks for the insights on reading comprehension. You are correct. I misunderstood. I may be experiencing post traumatic hurricane stress syndrome. My apologies sir, Tom