I used to be able to still listen to Imagine--until Yoko Ono stuck her name on it. Now I would rather listen to a pan flute getting ground up in a food processor.

Hotel California: First time I heard it I wanted to ask my Mom: "Mom, if I ever smoke enough weed will I be able to go to Hotel California too??" Great dueling guitar solos though.

Hallelujah. Ok, I got the heebie jeebies the first time I heard this song and I have to plug my ears whenever people sing it. I think: "For the Love of Jesus, Please Stop!" No, wait a minute, that's not what I think. I think:

"Hey totally bummed out and depressed songwriter dude, did you shoot up some smack with Charles Bukowski and fall asleep in a flea bag motel with bed lice and wet yourself while drinking some Smirnoff out of a plastic jug? Is that why you are singing a broken Hallelujah?" Jeez, talk about songs that make you want to shoot yourself.

Ok, I've come clean. Moving right along. Nothing to see here folks.