Yea in last year, since I divorced from Sonar, I've acquired a few additional DAW's, that I didn't already have, and with each one its manufacturers related "detritus" so we all have a a LOT of new plugins now and if like me never use most if any

-FL-12 (no notation really - great piano roll however also just feels smooth and fast)

-Studio One Pro 3 (like you I had Notion 6 that was a another DEAL forget what I think it was because I had Finale?? don't remember). But again if you have Kontakt and and want to use SampleTekk pianos buy direct from Sampletekk (cheaper, just not as "integrated" - since you need to call up Kontakt or Halion and need to call it up)

-finally, Samplitude X3 Pro (it has its own MIDI to notation and back)

I still find myself running to Mixcraft when in a hurry, hmmm....
