>>>...Bluegrass Band is a PG Music program. I don't know if they still market it...>>>

I am just about certain that PG Never made a program called "The Bluegrass Band," reagardless of what you see on the link above.

PG does have an ecellent program called "Flatpick Guitar Solos." This consists of about 50 MIDI files of Bluegrass standards. Sometimes these files are included in the bundle that comes with BiaB. You might have it an not know it. Go to your C:\BB folder and look for "BGFAKE" or "Bluegrass Fakebook." These are the same song files as in the "Flatpick" program without the interface.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

Got some tunes on You Tube:
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