Originally Posted By: MusicStudent

Biab in general is it's not very guitar friendly.

Are you playing the guitar with BIAB accompaniment ........................

Hi Musicstudent,

is that just a handle or your actual level?

I want BIAB to create backing tracks, as it's advertised for.

For Rock , pop, funk, etc - the styles I play - and want - it would have to EMULATE those styles. { And allow me to
program nuances to those styles}

That is CANNOT DO!

I'm not talking about instruction video tracks by artists,
adding solo tracks, etc.

I'm talking about NEEDING THE GUITARS TO SOUND CORRECT, and being able to program them correctly:

{ Or allow me "the space" to do it myself"]


I had this discussion on here before, and others agreed with me.

{ + Im talking up to 2017, which I own. My feeling from
using the program extensively is that it was NOT created
with guitarists in mind. AT ALL . correction, I see Jazz
forums where the guitarists praise it. But jazz is the one
style I don't record }

Last edited by KGU 2; 01/06/18 10:51 AM.