Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Yeah guys, I loved this too!

I agree with Floyd there is some Glenn Fry in here, I also hear the melodic vibe of some Bread in here as well.

Gorgeous all the way around and very well produced. Excellent lyrics and build.

And Mr. David, was that you on guitar? Man that was awesome!!!!

Great job you two.

Hi David,

I feeling almost human again. Di got some horrible news a couple of days ago. Her best friend, Bonnie, with whom she went to school back in Tennessee and ran around with socially, called her. Her friend informed her that her (Bonnie's) daughter and granddaughter were shot and killed on Christmas Eve. They were 48 and 26 years old respectively. They were shot by a family member who was high on meth. Di is a mess. We went online to the local newspaper back in Tennessee and read the account. It was a real shock. They've been best friends since the late 1950s.

Anyway, thank you for those very kind words. Coming from an artist of such talent, it means a lot. I can't begin to say enough about Greg's talent and what a pleasure he is to work with - kind of like a forum member know from North Carolina! Again, thanks so much. I'm sure Greg's as appreciative as I am.

Will get get back to you on the other, non-music project, we're working on, over the weekend.


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