F on sax and wind synth (although I'm reluctant to use the term "monster" because I'm always striving improve and I know where I need to go).

E on vocals, guitar, bass, and flute, I could gig with these for pop/rock/country music, but not for a jazz gig.

D on keys and drums. I can double on these but not an entire gig. Keys? Mostly a weak left piano hand but I can hold chords or work synth joystick/wheels. Drums? I'm good but lack of stamina due to not playing them every day.

I currently make my own backing tracks and regularly play sax, wind synth, guitar, flute and vocals on the gig.

But I also find that the more I learn about music, even after decades of doing it for a living, I find that there is more to learn. When I learn something, I find two more things that are calling me.

Insights and incites by Notes.

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks