Their is an old saying divide and conquer which the politics of today use for control and power. Another saying was never let a good catastrophe go to waste again which politicians use to divide, fund raise and try to maintain power on one side or the other.

Many people today do not really know our history and have no context to relate or realize how the world was back then. It just isn't taught in school and many history books have been rewritten.

Historical facts most young people today do not know.

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican.

Richard Nixon, Republican signed the Clean Air and Water act.

The Civil War was not just about slavery, but many other issues such as states rights and economics.

The northern states also had slaves and in some places more than the South.

I remember recently watching a psychology teacher being questioned and chastised by a rather liberal reporter for his beliefs of free speech. She felt we should never make anyone else feel uncomfortable. He clued her in that right now she was making him feel extremely uncomfortable but it was necessary so that we humans would think.

It's Orwell's 1984 if we all are thought controlled about what we can say or not. "In the age of deception, the truth will seem radical."

In our hearts we love all people, but do not agree with evil.

If we write or sing something in a historical context it's not to put down anyone, but it's just a song.

But that being said some people will choose to be offended by anything. No one is forced to sit and listen to anything. I feel offended many times when I hear cursing in a rap song or violence against women or cops so I turn the dial and I don't listen to that music. Should rap music be banned?

Last edited by Belladonna; 02/18/18 01:55 PM.