Where do you get your ideas from? His usual reply has been either "Schenectady" or"Poughkeepsie." Ha! Ha! Love this!!

Man in Two Socks, great ideas and tips above. Inspiration is everywhere. The more you write the more ideas and inspiration you get. It's like priming a pump. But you have to make an effort to do it, doesn't just rain down very often.

Sometimes I write a letter to someone as if I'm telling them the story and what happened and then I will develop my song from that. Next I may do an outline like for a video

Scene 1 (Verse 1) What, when, who, how, why
Scene 2 (Verse 2) Developing the story more
Finale (Bridge) Wrap up, conclusion, moral, etc

Structure, metaphors, rhyming, etc. next and finally
re-write, re-write, re-write; Self-critique and make those lines better.

Thanks for you input.