I feel that social media is deffinitely one tool that any artist should be using, but it is not the end all/be all solution. Of course having a large fan base is helpful but as a new artist it is likely you don't have one yet and you will need to build it up yourself.

There honestly is no one way to get noticed. The competition is fierce, especially online, so you need to make sure what you are creating and putting out there for potential fans is top notch. Then you need to make sure that your product is geting to the right kind of people who will want to listen. Make sure you know your intended audience and figure out how to get them interested in what you are doing. You have to get that initial play and hopefully after that get them coming back for more. Of course to do this you will want them to like/subscribe/follow you on the social media acounts you are using. If you can get them to do that you are off to a good start.

Once they are following what you are doing you have to keep them coming back for more on a regular basis. This means constantly interacting with your fans and creating more top quality product for them to consume. Always make sure you are putting out the best work that you can, and always be trying to improve what you do. If not there are other artists out there just waiting to snatch your fans away. It really is a dog eat dog industry that we are in.

OK... all that being said here are a few helpfull tips that I've found.

1. Don't just rely on one social media platform. Utilze as many as you feel comfortable with.

2. Try to keep a consistent image across all of the social media platforms so you dont confuse potential fans.

3. Cross promote your pages. Usually your fans will be members of multiple social media sites so make sure to get them following you on all your different accounts.

4. Collaborate with other artists who's fan base may like your music. This is a good way to gain new fans.

5. Find ways to get your fans actively promoting for you. This could be as simple as asking them to share a post or some kind of contest. Use your imagination.

FINALLY... I have one last tip and Ive saved this for last as it is more of a production note and I'm guilty of not utilizing it as much as I should.

Don't just create music. Create music videos to visually stimulate potential fans. Videos are the hottest and most effective tool on the internet right now. You are much more likely to get someones attention with a video than you are with just a post/link to your music.

Now go out and create, share, repeat. Good luck!

Samuel Davis Jr
BIAB 2018 + Cubase + Ignite
