I've watched Graham's videos before and they are usually very helpful. He brings up a great point in this one about having to constantly provide new content for your fan base. Especially with some of the social media algorithms you need to have new content for your followers to interact with on a regular basis or your stuff will get lost in the mix.

That being said... He is correct you can't put perfect stuff out all the time.

Now, I don't believe he is saying to put out just anything or a bunch of bad music but instead to get it as good as you can and then get it out there. Ive seen in previous videos from Graham where he says to get the mix as good as you can. Then take a day off and go back to listen again while taking notes of things that need to be fixed. Fix them and be done. Sure you may here other things afterwards that you may not be happy with but if you try to make it perfect you will never be finished and never get it out there for people to hear.

So in short, make the best music/content that you can and get it out there for people to hear even if it's not perfect.

Samuel Davis Jr
BIAB 2018 + Cubase + Ignite
