Well ... I pulled it into RealBand, and it wasn't at all what I expected. It did end after 90 bars, though.

It gets weirder. It says there's no soloist part. I'm thinking maybe it's because of the type of solo I generated... like... I forget ... was it "Generate Guitar Chord Solo"? And it put it in as a second guitar track, which I muted except for the middle 8.

So, under soloist, no soloist found. But under Mixer ... guitar 2 says 364: Guitar, Acoustic, Finger-Picking Ev 065 [Soloist].

In the end, both in RealBand and in BB, it only plays for about 3 minutes. But it generates a 7:45 Wav or MP3

The whole chord sheet won't fit on my screen for a screen shot. Looks like I can't attach an image, I have to upload it somewhere and link it?