I found a workaround for this issue. I know this is an old topic but it comes up when searching google for "scarlett 2i2 input stereo balance".

This will only change your monitoring to stereo. You will still have to balance each line-in within your DAW.

Turn off direct monitoring
Install/Open Audacity (free)
Select your Project rate in the bottom left corner to match the settings for the 2i2
In the Edit menu, select Preferences
Select Recording then check Software playthrough of input
Close Preferences
Under the transport, select Focusrite USB as your recording source and set it to 2 (Stereo)
Also set your playback device to Focusrite USB
In the top right - Click to Start Monitoring
Minimize Audacity if you're not using it and open your DAW of choice

Last edited by HID; 04/16/18 03:42 PM. Reason: missed the first step