Music and Lyrics by Quekou

The guitar solo is from BIAB realtrack, I programmed everything else.

The translation is only an approximate.

灭迹 ( vanish)
snowing on this Spring day 雪飘在四月的天气
getting closer to the last day 白一层心灰冷意
Packing up my clothes, sealing up my memory 收拾好衣服锁好过去
The moving day might be in June or even may 分离近 在六月不过七一

your destiny cut me into pieces 惊醒在凌晨与命为敌
Dreams are now shattered like glasses 心被击得破碎支离
Like a virus, the pain spreads 痛是一种病毒蔓延肢体
On my heart is where it feeds 才明白过来本不堪一击

clothes are in suitcases 行李箱里垫着几件衬衣
books are now in boxes 正在打包捆绑的几本书籍
still don’t understand the occurrence 还是不懂如此斗转星移
Like the chair won’t understand the master’s disappearance 像窗前的沙发不懂我的灭迹。