<<< "...Then I see an “oldish” song at the top of the forum and I can’t remember whether I commented or not and have to go through 20 pages of comments to look for my own comment ">>>

A quick way to check on what post you've commented on and which you haven't: If you are signed in, from the drop down menu of 'MY STUFF' select POSTS. From that window, select 'MY POSTS' and you can sort the columns so that all the USER FORUM posts are together and any song you see, you've posted to....

I also use this feature when I'm in a rush to quickly check only the threads I've commented on and see if anyone has responded.

What is more frustrating to me than having to skip a post in the User Showcase that's been bumped is taking time to detail out a question or technique assisting someone having difficulty and they post a question or problem and they never come back to the post to let the forum know if it worked for them or provide any feedback. There is currently a thread created in another section of the forum where the poster posed a question, there are seven replies over a period of four days, including one from PGMusic staff and the original poster has never returned back to comment beyond asking the question. It's an interesting question that could help many forum members and could go into several different directions according to what the OP is trying to accomplish. But there's no direction from the OP. It's the opposite of the problem some have with bumping - rather than saying too much, well, let's just say there's no fun talking to yourself....

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.