Thanks Floyd for posting these discussions. They are a great help.

What do I hear? A LOT of very complicated processing that I have little hope of ever emulating no matter what DAW I am using!

Josie. Thanks for the link to the article. It is an very informative read.

"Most of the songs on Making Mirrors have a lot of detail, with many different bits and pieces resulting from Wally having cut up and arranged loads of samples — 160 tracks per session was not unusual!"

So...THAT is what it takes to make a modern sounding song....I wonder how many hours were spent on this song alone (let alone the amount of hours of practice and training to even get to this point).

I think most of us on this forum we are "hobbyists" and don't have the training or know-how (or patience) to produce anything even close to this song. There may be some that have the talent but talent is probably not enough to make a song like "Somebody"

There is however, a lesson I CAN take from this..

"When I mix, I always make sure that the vocal performances and edits are top-notch before I do anything else"

I think far too often I get bored of editing and tuning vocals and say "that will do" when in actual fact it wont do and I can easily do better. What is the point of putting badly performed and edited vocals on top of the perfect Realtracks that are generated by Band in a box?

Last edited by JoanneCooper; 05/06/18 09:03 PM.

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