Most of the article states use of compression, EQ, and reverb. Not all that complicated.

The de-easing is something you might not have in your arsenal of plugins or hardware.

Sure most of us do not have a stockpile of a bunch of outboard dynamics processors like what is listed. But we did have some and the progression of processing is instructive.

I’ve had this album for about a year. One thing that also gives it a modern feel are the ‘intervalic’ jumps in this and other tracks. I borrow that term from Rick Beato, who you should subscribe to if you enjoyed this video. He has a series called: what makes this song great that breaks down hit songs from a theory and production standpoint. Gotye reminds me of Sting in his somewhat unique choice of interval jumps. Beato calls this ‘intervalic’ when songwriters choose large jumps of notes; large intervals; in their melody.

The whole Gotye album is a treat if you enjoy this song. Stylistically it ranges far from this song, but really nice and surprising in its variety.