Originally Posted By: Skyline
A very moving and beautifully written song Floyd. It has a superb keening melody that fits the subject matter spot on. It gripped me to the end. That closing unresolved chord was so right - a question left hanging.

I was 18 in 1966 and remember here in the UK there was footage every night on the TV news, often more graphic than is allowed these days. For some strange reason it's common for brave people in the forces to be neglected on their return, as if forgetting them will somehow make forgetting the whole thing easier. We have a shameful record here of not doing more for the maimed who returned from Afghanistan, another unpopular campaign.


Thanks for your thoughts, John. Those were defining times in our history - often the emotions involved are aimed at the wrong people... those guys coming home were 18, too - and had been through a hell not of their own choosing. And as you say, it continues today... let's hope we are not headed towards worse....

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well Floyd,

I made it back alive in one piece.

Well almost..


I think this song is very powerful as all your songs are, and it was a great experience to take a peek inside the head of the young songwriter, and imagining you with your trusty old Yamaha when she was young, howling at the moon.

Great stuff man.

Thanks, David. Thanks to you and Cliff for breaking the ice that allowed this to resurface...

Originally Posted By: Sergio Guarneri

Great sad song, Floyd

the song is excellent as usual. I like the rock guitar in background.

The subject of the song is a very important subject.
Every war has many impopular heroes.

But they will be heroes FOREVER, and they are the heroes not the others.

I would to extend the lyrics of your song, to the young American soldiers
that hardly fought in Italy during II WWar.

Thanks from an Italian man to you (now after about 60 years) for all these young soldiers surely forever heroes.


Sergio - good of you to bring up how your country sees these things, too...