Two questions.

1) Is there a soloist dialogue in RB I haven't found?

Not that I'm aware of; you just generate a new track in RB using a realtrack, Soloist is more of a BB term
2) Can I only generate a new RealTracks track successfully if I work on a sgu fle not a seq? If that's true then I need to get my RB tracks right before I save them to seq files which seems odd.

No, SEQ files should be able to generate new tracks freely, this is an odd behavior you describe, so getting a copy of the SEQ file would be nice. Have you checked out Dropbox as an upload option? It usually will allow a SEQ size file.. and has free options.

Wish I could help more, but what you describe has been done regularly for years here. Something seems amiss with how you're setup or how you are trying it..

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome