Originally Posted By: Tano Music
Really nice track… I like the overall mix and the lyric quality of the song was succinct and perfect for the melody. I found your comment about getting to a Dylan-type sound interesting… I think that this track, as a reflection of your own creativity, can stand on its own without trying to make it sound like someone else’s sound, if that makes sense. Keep on with what you’re doing and I’m looking forward to hearing more from you!

Thanks for the feedback. smile
Oh yes, I completely agree. When I write a song (and even when I do a cover), I start with an idea in my head, but let it grow organically. I don't think sticking rigidly to the "original plan" is a good idea because as you rightly say, it needs to "stand on it's own" and if the music is taking it in a different direction, that's where I'll be following it. laugh

It's only my madness that stops me from going insane.