Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
Herb! That is amazing. You have done an incredible job with this mix. Attention to detail I think is the key (and also a lot of experience). I seriously need to work on my recording of vocals. I think if I remember correctly I recorded this (under time pressures as FAWM always is) with my Samson USB mic and not my rode condenser mic and audio interface. Please send me the wav file... thanks

If you like it I consider it a success. I'll send the wave to you in a bit. Maybe by tomorrow.

The important thing is to take care with the vocal tracks. There are digital overs in them and it's audible especially in my headphones. I understand the rush of FAWM.... but if you're going to do a release of a song, it's a good idea to back up, take your time and record the vocal tracks again, better, cleaner, with headroom.

It is what it is.... beautiful vocal performance regardless.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.