First of all, to whoever started this thing, Eddie needs nobody. And never has. Eddie states HIS opinion. Eddie will never tell you that you are wrong. Eddie will, however, go to great lengths to explain why he is right.

Despite Eddie suddenly talking about himself in the 3rd person.....

I do things how I do things. Others may find that abhorrent behavior. While I do not deny that I have a lot of Sheldon Cooper in me (those who do not watch The Big Bang Theory won't get that reference), I also believe that knowledge should be shared. If you don't know how to tie a necktie, I will show you. If you don't know how to throw a curve ball, I will show you. And if you don't know a major scale from a minor scale, I will show you.

As far as the personal preference of the forums, my original point that stirred up this tempestuous conversation was that IN MY OPINION people who make it their life's priority to make sure THEIR song stays at the top of of a relatively meaningless music forum (this isn't Billboard here) MAY-MIGHTY-MAYBE do so because they lack self confidence and need constant reassurance they they've still "got it". My perspective on that is as such. "This is my song. Listen, don't listen, comment, don't comment, I don't care. I don't write for you. I write for me. It is a cathartic activity. I tell stories of my life and it helps my emotional state to get things off my chest." That is why I write songs.

I have had a difficult life, though that has been largely self-inflicted. I have a difficult time allowing people to get close to me. I have a difficult time trusting people, because eventually they all leave my life. I have exactly 4 people I call friend. When people leave my life, I burn that bridge immediately and choose to never speak to them again. I went through a nasty one of those last year when I realized that a music acquaintance of 30 years has absolutely no respect for my musical skill set, and in fact kind of laughs at me when I am not in the room. It is important that I keep toxic people like that out of my life. Crucial, in fact, to someone affected by PTSD.

Now, I also admit that I am not a day at the beach. I have a mean streak as wide as a 4 lane highway, and it behooves people to stay on my good side. For the most part, unless it is one of those 4 friends I mentioned on the other side of the equation, I will unplug your life support machines to charge my cell phone. I do have an aspect of my personality that some perceive as arrogance. I do not agree, but remember I also think I am wonderful just the way I am. To bring that concept back to music, I view performing like this. I do not say "Well, the public likes this song so I have to play that. And then there's THAT song so I have to play that." Nope. "THIS is what I am going to play. My job is to entertain you from the stage. Your job is to adore me from the chairs. That's how this transaction works. And if you don't like what I am playing, you remember that door you came through to get in here?" I don't need your approval. I would like to have it, as that is the way I gauge my songwriting ability, but I don't need it. I will not change how I write (and in fact I CAN'T change how I write) for you. Or anybody else.

Every morning when I brush my teeth, I look in the mirror and say out loud "The only person I have to impress today is ME." And at night when I go to bed, I say, again out loud, "Would you do anything different if you had the chance to live today again?" If the answer is yes, I failed the day and have to do better tomorrow. The point of that is that it is MY decision, and the core of the "one day at a time" way of living.

To try and bring this back to your topic (And thank you for using my name in your post, by the way. How flattering. Yes, that WAS sarcasm. I don't need the acclaim, trust me.) some people post songs for your approval. I post songs for your enrichment. (Well, I DID. I don't think I am going to post anymore.) Every song of mine, literally every one, is a story of my life that I want to share with people. I write far better than I converse in person. I don't talk on the phone for a reason. I have never written a song that was "fiction". I do not and will never "compete" for views. The whole thing about the bumping was mainly an observation that there is a handful of people who selfishly try to control the top page of the songwriter forum to keep their name in everyone's eyes by bumping the post for weeks. I won't ever do that. So again I say, I will never tell you that you are wrong. I will, however, tell you why I am right.

Good day, from your little ray of sunshine.

Last edited by eddie1261; 05/26/18 05:57 AM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.