Yes, when I got my desktop machine I did the same (set it from Win10 back to Win7). I noticed the windows updates were taking more than overnight to complete so I turned them off. I have had no problems with any of my software on that machine. Because I refuse to leave my machine running for days I just shut my notebook off while the updates are running. It took more than 2 weeks for the Windows 10 update to complete even though the notebook many times ran for a full hour during this 2 weeks. They call it a service. I call it a virus. You would think they would be smart enough to tell you what they think is so important in their updates and why they take so long (what are they hiding). If BIAB and one other software would run on Linux I would switch back to Linux.

Last edited by bowlesj; 06/04/18 09:30 PM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: